TACTIC3D Handball Sketcher - Manuel de référence


On Windows, the files made by the coach are stored under the directory of the current user : Documents\Tactic3D\tactics.
The working directory of the application is Documents\Tactic3D.
Example : if the user is "JohnDoe", the file will be stored under :
To use and open the provided examples, copy the file with the extension ".sketcher" from the directory "examples" to this directory "tactics".
On MacOs,  the files made by the coach are stored under the directory of the current user : Library\Tactic3D\tactics.
The working directory of the application is Library\Tactic3D\.
Example : if the user is "JohnDoe", the file will be stored under :
To use and open the provided examples, copy the file with the extension ".sketcher" from the directory "examples" to this directory "tactics".

Created with help of DrExplain

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