TACTIC3D Handball Sketcher - Manuel de référence




1. Record
Starts the record of the animation step.
Shortcut keyboard = R (as record)


2. Play
Play the recorded animation. Starts from the selectionned step at the bottom of the screen.
Shortcut = Space key


3. Stop
Stops the animation if the animation is playing. Stops the recording also.


4. Semi-3D
Switchs to the half 3D view. You can turn around the field by clicking on the left mouse button and holding it, then move to the left or to the right.


5. Trajectory
Hide or display the motion path of all players.


6. Erase
Removes a player or the ball of the current time period AND the following. Indeed, as in the real world, if you delete a player from a time frame at a given time, the player can not reappear or continue the action a second later magically.
Example : if the current value of time scale is 1s, the strokes of the selected player will be erased from 1s until the end (here 3s). It will remain only the movement between 0 and 1s.


7. Undo
Undo the last action (5 undo maximum).
Shortcut : Backspace key.


8. Referee
Create the "referee" character to put him on the field. Displayed in black inside the Top view with the "R" letter. Appears in black short and Tshirt.
Thus, you can modelize training exercises and indicate where the referee should be located, and you can have the referee's point of view.


9. Coach
Create the "coach" character to put him on the field. Displayed in black inside the Top view with the "C" letter. Appears in gray sweat suit.
Thus, you can modelize training exercises and indicate where the coach should be located.


10. Tools
Hides/displays the submenu with tools and coach and referee.

3D Simulation

11. 3D Simulation
Launch the 3D simulation software player (3D viewer). The software generates the animation and this one is automatically reloaded in the 3D viewer3D. A latency can occur (a few seconds), depending on the length of the animation and the number of the players.
Shortcut : Enter key.

New animation

12. New animation
Create a new animation. Asks confirmation before deleting the previous one.
Can be used to erase all the current work.
Shortcut : N key (as New).

Open animation

13. Open animation
Open an existing file. Une confirmation est demandée si un travail est en cours.
Shortcut : O key.

Share Coach->players

14. Share Coach->players
Displays the screen that allow you to set the deployment feature.


15. Ball
Put the ball on the field.
Do not put the ball just near a player, because it could be difficult to select the player who is just near the ball.
WARNING : you can not add the ball after you've started the record of the animation. If you forgot the ball, you have to recreate from scratch the animation. It's due to avoid a "teleportation effect".


16. Plot
Adds a plot on the ground.

Colored area

17. Colored area
Allows to draw free-form area to be transformed into colored square in the 3D world. This area can be used to show to the players a hole in the defense, or a target area.
You can have several colored square during the same time interval.
You can associate an colored square at each step of the animation, or you can set the duration of its display to 0.5s for example, or at least, you can set the duration to display the colored square during the entire animation.


18. Comment
Adds a comment that will be displayed during the time interval specified.
Allows to display a pedagogical comment in a window to the players.
The comment can be hidden by pressing the button "C" (as "C"omment).
The comment can be displayed in normal font, in red color, or with a blink effect to increase the focus on the comment.


19. Arrows
Permet de dessiner des flèches apparaissant en surimpression sur le terrain. Vous pouvez changer la couleur une fois la flèche tracée.
Vous pouvez avoir plusieurs flèches sur le terrain à un même instant.
Vous pouvez également associer une flèche à chaque étape de l'animation, ou en changer la durée pour qu'elle apparaisse à un moment donné de l'animation ou bien qu'elle soit présente pendant toute l'animation.

List of the steps

20. List of the steps
Hide/display the list of the steps.


21. Step
Display the list of the steps of the animation. The biggest is the current one.
You can navigate by clicking on each preview of the list.
The red line on the top shows the elapsed time from the beginning of the current step.

Elapsed time

22. Elapsed time
The red line on the top shows the elapsed time from the beginning of the current step.
When you start to trace the movement of a player, the red line shows if the player is moving during all the length of the current step. If his movement stops before the red line reaches the end of the step, then the player will make a pause in the final animation.

Create a new step

23. Create a new step
Add a new step at the end of the last step. The button is only available whe you are in Recording mode.

Current elapsed time

24. Current elapsed time
Elapsed time of the current step.

Total duration of the step

25. Total duration of the step
Total duration of the current selected step (with the red line on top)..

Elapsed time from the beginning

26. Elapsed time from the beginning
Total elapsed time from the beginning of the animation.

Total length of animation

27. Total length of animation
Total length of the animation, in seconds.


28. Bench
Put a bench on the field.Note that a jump gesture is not still available in the software. You can rotate the bar with the right-button + move your mouse.

Vertical plot

29. Vertical plot
Put a vertical plot on the field.


30. Hoop
Put a hoop on the field.

Horizontal bar

31. Horizontal bar
Put an horizontal bar. Note that a jump gesture is not still available in the software.
You can rotate the bar with the right-button + move your mouse.


32. Scrum
Click on this button then at the position on the field when you want to create the scrum. The scrum-half - 9 is not created automatically.
When you create a scrum, the first step is automatically created. You must attach the ball to the player, following your needs (the 9 or the 8).

Tackle bag

33. Tackle bag
Put a tackle bag on the ground at the location where you clicked on.


34. Ball-training
Put a ball on the ground. It's not a ball that the player can bring, it's just a ball to indicate where the coach must place the balls during the training exercise. Management of several balls is not possible in the current version (planned for a next version).

Created with help of DrExplain

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