TACTIC3D Handball Sketcher - Manuel de référence

Integration/output of 3D animation

You can integrate the 3D animation in differents way :
  • Call the 3d animation in an Word or Powerpoint document for example.

1) in the sharing screen (Mail icon), click on "Save local file". The t3d file will be saved under the directory HANDSketcherDocuments.
2)  use the "launch external application" feature of Powerpoint, and use the following command line :
Path_of_viewer3d.exe\Tactic3dViewer.exe -t3d Path_of_t3d_file.t3d
Example :
c:\Programs\Tactic3D\Tactic3dViewer.exe -t3d  c:\Programs\Tactic3D\HANDSketcherDocuments\My_Tactic_To_Win.t3d
  • Generate a video from the 3D viewer or the Sketcher software (2D)

To do this, use the "V" as Video keyboard and choose the wanted output (SD, HD, etc...). The video is generated under the Capture\videos directory.
  • Print the 2D or 3D screen

To do this, use the "V" as Video keyboard and choose the wanted output (SD, HD, etc...).
The serie of pictures is generated under the Capture\images directory.
Be carefull, it could be huge with a long animation !

Created with help of DrExplain

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